Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tattoo Designs for Everyone

Tattoos are now more common than it ever was and more people are getting inked up than ever before. Before heading to your neighborhood tattoo artist however, you might want to choose a tattoo design first. Choosing just one among many tattoo designs is the greatest challenge you'll encounter in getting the perfect tattoo for skin.

Before you decide, reflect on the reason why you want to have a tattoo in the first place. Was there an extremely personal experience that you want immortalized on your body? Is it to show pride for your heritage and culture? Or do you simply want a piece of meaningful art on your skin? Whatever the reason may be, knowing and understanding why you want a tattoo could help you narrow down tattoo designs.

A lot of people make the mistake of choosing a design that only appeals to them aesthetically. There's nothing wrong with that except that if you're going for a more personal and meaningful piece, the design should match your emotion of feelings.

Remember that a tattoo is a reflection of who you are and what you're about. Tattoo magazines may display amazing works of art that may be visually appealing but ask yourself, do these designs represent who you really are?

There are many magazines that feature tattoo designs from well-known tattoo artists. Some people just scan through these, choose a design and have it inked. That's also one way of finding a tattoo design for you but bear in mind that these designs may not be as unique as you'd want them to be. Because they are published and circulated all over the world, expect other people to have the same tattoo design.

If you prefer something that's uniquely and distinctively yours, you could ask or request your tattoo artist to come up with a design for you. Although it may cost more to have your tattoo artist sketch your design, it comes with many advantages.

First, he knows his own limitations so he'll draw something that he could ink on your skin with colors that are available in his shop. There are instances when a customer brings a ready-made design to a tattoo artist and it comes out slightly different so it's best to have him draw what he can tattoo on you. Secondly, you will be able to collaborate with him on the design that you truly want and have it tweaked to your exact vision. You could choose your own symbols and colors to make it more personal and more meaningful.

Remember that tattoos are a lifetime commitment so you might as well go for a design that you can be forever proud of.

Rad Woodeson has been reviewing products and services for over a decade now. His latest passion is tattoos and all the weird and wonderful designs that are available on the market today. Deciding to have a tattoo is a big decision so Rad has decided to look at the various options available to people on the internet. Take a look at his latest article on tattoo designs.

View the original article here

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